To scale up the number of Replica Set members from 3 to 5, run this command: kubectl scale --replicas=5 statefulset mongo. At the end, we can also check for the pods that are brought up by running the below command. but answer still same. Share. yml deployment. items[?(@. When pods run as part of a StatefulSet, Kubernetes keeps state data in the persistent storage volumes of the StatefulSet, even if the pods shut down. I am creating a deployment using this yaml file. 188ssys. extensions "my-first-replicaset" deletedreal 0m2. $ kubectl get all NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/nginx-854998f596-6jtth 1/1 Running 0 52s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/kubernetes ClusterIP 10. 9, la version de l'API apps/v1 pour le type ReplicaSet est la version actuelle et activée par défaut. kubectl logs -l app=myapp -c myapp --tail 100kubectl get pods <pod-name> -o yaml kubectl get pods my-helloworld-rs-c8rrj -o yaml Step-03: Expose ReplicaSet as a Service ; Expose ReplicaSet with a service (NodePort Service) to access the application externally (from internet) 3 Answers. This should create the node api deployment. Manually by using the command. By manually modifying the replica set that was created for you, you are fighting with the system controller. ReplicationController is often abbreviated to "rc" in discussion, and as a shortcut in kubectl commands. Services provide discovery and routing between pods. You will note if you do kubectl get pods, that they are still broken. extensions/frontend scaled master $ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE frontend-4jb2x 1/1 Terminating 0 38s frontend-98xkj 0/1. After scaling the ReplicaSet, you can verify the changes by examining its status and the associated pods: 1. template are scaled down. kubectl expose pod rabbitmq-0 --port=15672 --target-port=15672 --type=NodePort. Install Docker. $ kubectl create -f replica. So, chances are you want to be listing the deployments instead of the services in this case. DaemonSets run only a single pod replica on each node, whereas ReplicaSets scatter them around the whole cluster randomly. The selector and matchingLabels is used by the replicaset to monitor other pods as well who have the matching labels. Now run the below kubectl get command to verify the list of namespaces on your Kubernetes cluster. They behave in a similar way, but they have more expressive pod selectors. 96. A "rolling deployment" will be performed. Scale replica set named ‘ipsum’ to 3: kubectl scale --replicas=3 rs/ipsum. Restartable Batch Job: Concern: Job needs to complete in case of voluntary disruption. Instead we use Deployment to manage a ReplicaSet. How can I changeg them to running status. [root@localhost ~]# kubectl get rs NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE web-app 2 2 2 70s To verify the replicas created by the ReplicaSet YAML file you can use kubectl get. yaml kubectl delete rs new-replica-set kunectl create -f rs. yaml. Certificate. Pods run in node and node is the worker in kubernetes. mourya ~ % kubectl get statefulset NAME READY AGE web 3/3 68sKubectl rolling update updates Pods and ReplicationControllers in a similar fashion. yml). kubectl describe deployment awesome-app-deployment. I have enabled external access with SVC type LoadBalancer. Edit a replica set: kubectl edit replicaset webapp. Teams. The deployment of the replica set will take some time (up to 5 minutes). To learn more about replica sets, see the Replication Introduction in the MongoDB manual. yml kubectl get replicaset kubectl get pods. kubectl delete sts --cascade=orphan <name> to delete the StatefulSet and leave its pods. Using kubectl, we can apply this definition like: kubectl apply -f orphan. With kubectl you can use the kubectl logs command. yaml. The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with custom metrics support, on some other application. This will cause the deployment controller to create a ReplicaSet, with one replica (which means it will only start one pod). $ kubectl create -f <replicaSet_file_name>. # Verify k get pods -n sample. Login to the MySQL pod and Verify: kubectl exec -it mysql-0 -- mysql -u root -p. Get Kubernetes Cookbook, 2nd Edition now with the O. Other Posts. 13. Dans Kubernetes 1. A ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. Run the command kubectl edit replicaset new-replica-set, modify the replicas and then save the file. The same can be achieved with kubectl create -f ( -f is a flag for specifying file. thank you3- If yes and you update the image name for that deployment. 4 minute read. For ReplicaSets, the kind is always just ReplicaSet. And they both say. When check the resource in kubernetes. As an alternative to using this procedure, you can use the Multi-Kubernetes-Cluster Quick Start. 0. kubectl get hpa constant-load-test -n hpa-constant-load. 今回はkubectl scale コマンドを使ってreplicasetのレプリカ数を6個に増やしてみる. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 6 months ago. On your second terminal, type this to apply the K8s manifest we just worked on: kubectl apply -f mongo. Certificate Management with kubeadm; Configuring a cgroup driver; Reconfiguring a. analogy: Display information of line cooks currently working in the kitchen. A link to the MyEd BC portal can be found on the Oak Bay website underReplica Rocks is a Victoria BC company that creates premium resort style outdoor living spaces. For ReplicaSets, the kind is always a ReplicaSet. spec. items [*]. kubectl delete pod <name of managed instance>-0 -n <namespace of data controller> For example. Officially, there is no limit to how high this can be set but, of course, you have to keep in mind the underlying resources of your Kubernetes cluster. yml. phase field is. kubectl get events -w. kubectl edit pod <Name of the Pod> Step 3: Apply the pod by using the following command. Old Replica set are removed. StatefulSets are designed to run stateful applications in Kubernetes with dedicated persistent storage. Then, to view the status of your ReplicaSet, run kubectl get rs <ReplicaSet_NAME>. A caveat to note is that if you pass a deployment or a replica set, the logs command will get the logs for the first pod,. Create; get; describe; delete; Type – Here you have to mention the specific resource provided by Kubernetes that you want to create like pods,. This is managed by a ReplicaSet. do kubectl -n my_namespace delete -f new_service. root@cyberithub:~# kubectl get pods -l tier=nginx NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE replicaset-1-nhvlq 1/1 Running 0 16m replicaset-1-mrj7v 1/1 Running 0 16m. kubectl config set-credentials − Sets a user entry in kubeconfig. Replica Set use Set-Based selectors which. matchLabels: This specifies the labels used for pod selection. It makes sure that a stable set of replica pods is running at any given time, which guarantees an available specified number of identical pods. For example, kubectl scale –replicas=2 rs/web. Scales down all deployments in a whole namespace: kubectl get deploy -n <namespace> -o name | xargs -I % kubectl scale % --replicas=0 -n <namespace>. The kubectl get rs command lists replica sets, whereas the manifest file in your question creates a replication controller. Running the kubectl get pods command shows the rollout of two new pods with the updated version 1. yaml Step 4: Set up Replication Host. yml. Normally, the old (previous). How Deployments Work. Kubernetes Replication Controller vs Deployment You need to use -c flag to specify the Container name. Now let’s inspect the ownerReferences of the ReplicaSet. apps/kuard created $ kubectl get deployment,replicaset,pod --show-labels NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE LABELS deployment. It's also good to know that the. Initially, it is necessary to add the desired set of labels to a subset of nodes. Deployment creates it in the background and manage it. Use the following command to delete the Kibana object: $ kubectl delete Kibana quickstart-kb. the service has its clusterIP set to “None” and hence will prevent the service from having an IP giving clients the ability to connect directly to what lies behind it. This output shows that the ReplicaSet frontend along with the number of replicas currently running. Now, we can check the deployed replica set by using the below command. You can follow instructions within Lab 0 and Lab 1 of the Kube 101 Workshop. Most kubectl commands that support Replication Controllers also support ReplicaSets. Mounts: <none> Volumes: <none> Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ----- ----- Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable Available False MinimumReplicasUnavailable ReplicaFailure True FailedCreate OldReplicaSets: <none> NewReplicaSet: integrated-repository-webapp-d69879c5f (0/1 replicas created) Events: Type Reason Age From. kubectl create --help |awk '/Available Commands:/,/^$/' Available Commands: clusterrole Create a cluster role clusterrolebinding Create a cluster role binding for a particular cluster role configmap Create a config map. A ReplicaSet’s purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. Deleting a DaemonSet is a simple task. metadata. The pods, replica sets will get deleted. 27. To get the list of available Kubernetes StatefulSets use: bash. Example-2: Create replica set using match expressions. When using ReplicaSets, you get to enforce a minimum number of Pods for your application. This is where you specify how the ReplicaSet. Look out for stateful sets as well . You can omit the header by using:163 1 1 14. Improve this answer. Nov 19, 2019 at 15:14. $ kubectl delete all --selector=<key>=<value> -n <namespace> or $ kubectl delete all -l <key>=<value> -n. 🕸️Simple Difference Between ReplicaSet and Deployment. Horizontally scaling Pod. Log in to CEE CLI and confirm that no active alerts and system status must be at 100%. kubectl get service nginx ip=$(kubectl get svc nginx --template={{. Learn more about Teamskubectl get pods -l 'env in (development, testing)' kubectl get pods -l 'env notin (development, testing). At Weaveworks, we had over 2,500 in our development cluster. 4. Definition – It is a Kubernetes object that maintains the number of pods (i. Try kind: Deployment. yaml. Deployments encapsulate replica sets and pods in the Kubernetes’ resource hierarchy and provide a declarative method of updating the state of both. yaml pod/my-pod created Method 2: Rolling Restart of a Deployment. kubectl get daemonsets -A kubectl get rs -A | grep -v '0 0 0' Confirm that daemonsets and replica sets show all members in Ready state. The easiest way to scale an existing ReplicaSets on a Kubernetes cluster is to use the Kubectl command-line and quickly scale up or down the number of pods. Note: These instructions are for Kubernetes v1. Each get command can focus in on a given namespace with the –namespace. Here are some examples of field selector queries: metadata. 08. Writing a ReplicaSet manifest. Replication Controller and Replica Set do almost the same thing. The selector is used to identifying the Pods it can acquire. Step 4. Delete the ReplicaSet Let's clean up before we move on. 1-57c75779f-8sm9r 2/2 Running 0 16h. Stack Overflow. extensions/nginx scaled sekreta@cloudshell:~ (composite-rune-239911)$ kubectl get deploy NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE nginx 0/0 0 0 6m48s. Run the same version of kubectl scale, but this time, specify --replicas=2 to scale up the replicas. Before beginning this tutorial, you need to: Log into an IBM Cloud account. The number of pods should follow this. spec. When you want all replica sets where the numbers for 'desired', 'current' and 'ready' are not the same use a better pattern matching language such awk: kubectl get replicasets -n kube-system | awk '$3!=$4 || $4!=$5 {print $0}' which should return both the header and any inconsistent replica sets. We will explain: What RS is. sh get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-nginx-2494149703-04xrd 1/1 Running 0 9h my-nginx-2494149703-h3krk 1/1 Running 0 9h my-nginx-2494149703-hnayu 1/1 Running 0 9h. Yes identical Pods. kubectl get replicaset. Another way of scaling your controller is using kubectl scale --replicas=1 rc/expressapp-controller. kubectl apply -f creates Replica Sets using a config file: kubectl apply -f replicaset-definition-file. The $ kubectl get all command will list all the resources from all of your workspace, so that you will have a very good idea of how many PODS, Deployments, Services, and Replica Sets are running inside your Kubernetes cluster. yaml and you see that replicaset is not deleted - try to kubectl get replicaset xxxxxxx -o json and same for at least 1 pod in this replicaset. kubectl logs -f -n namespace pod-id-here But what if there are 3 replicas of that Pod? There are some bash scripts and other utilities like Kubetail and Stern that make it somewhat easy to do. It will show the number of desired Pods, Ready Pods, and Current Pods count. $ kubectl get rs NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE nginx-deployment-1564180365 3 3 0 6s nginx-deployment-2035384211 0 0 0 36sTo create the ReplicaSet, you can use the kubectl apply command: kubectl apply -f my-app-replica-set. analogy: Head chef instructs the team of line cooks to prepare a certain dish. Install and Set Up kubectl on macOS; Install and Set Up kubectl on Windows; Administer a Cluster. Follow. And, an example of that YAML file might look like the following: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: name: chef-server labels: app: chef-server tier: chef-server spec: replicas: 3 # We'll get three identical pods selector: matchLabels: tier: chef-server template : metadata:. Let’s see what is the best way to migrate one MongoDB replica set Pod from one node to another when local storage is used. Also, the rolling-update command is imperative whereas Deployments are declarative, so we. a number of replicas indicating how many Pods it should be maintaining. Run kubectl get rs (ReplicaSet) to see ReplicaSets created by the deployment. For ReplicaSets, the kind is always a ReplicaSet. kubectl get pods -n <namespace of data controller> Delete the managed instance pod. DaemonSets create Pods on every node in the cluster by default, unless node selectors constrain them. deployment "my-nginx" created. 40:80 Service An abstract way to expose an application. If no pods are returned, you can deploy the latest version of the Metrics Server by running the following command. ***> wrote: You don't need to run any script in order to cleanup old replica sets - just set . kubectl get nodes -o wide MongoDB® nodes port: You will have a different node port for each MongoDB® node. A ReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time. . 7k 2 38 55. . Share. Connect to mongodb replicaset in kubernetes with external access enabled. Let's check one of the pods just to make sure the new image is used 1 kubectl get pods 2 kubectl get pods -o = custom-columns = NAME:. January 9, 2019. 1 Like. name=nginx-deployment. To view these you can do kubectl get deployment, and get rs respectively. Changes to label selectors make existing pods fall out of ReplicaSet's scope, so if you change labels and label selector the pods are no longer "controlled" by ReplicaSet. If you want the rolling update functionality please consider using Deployments instead. kubectl get sc. Each pod in a StatefulSet backed by a Headless Service will have a stable DNS name. To make changes in your current deployment you can use kubectl rollout pause deployment/YOUR_DEPLOYMENT. The. Whenever you deploy new version of deployment, the replica set preserves the previous configuration of the deployment. Labels are assigned in the Descriptor of a replica set. mourya ~ % kubectl get statefulset NAME READY AGE web 0/0 33s deepak. kubectl scale rs new-replica-set --replicas 0 kubectl scale rs new-replica-set -. Now delete a pod, while watching pods: kubectl delete pod rs-quarkus-demo-mlnng. In stateful applications, it’s important that a given replica keeps the initially assigned PV even if pods get rescheduled. Information will be in Events: section. This is because Replica Sets are meant to be used as the backend for Deployments. So, we will be using the following command: kubectl exec -it mongodb-0 --. -69946b945f-txvvr 2m24s Normal ScalingReplicaSet deployment/dummy-deployment Scaled up replica set dummy-deployment-69946b945f to 1 kubectl -n default get pods | grep. First, check the existing replica set using the following command. Administration with kubeadm. To start, run this little command: kubectl get rs --all-namespaces | wc -l. The default Storage Class is standard. Advantage – . answered Dec 26. Wherever applicable, kubectl get all returns a list of pods, services, daemon sets, deployments, replica sets, jobs, cronjobs, and stateful sets. kubectl get --all-namespaces rs -o json|jq -r '. $ kubectl get rsNAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGEmy-first-replicaset 3 3 3 2m// get in the editor, modify the replica number, then save and leave$ kubectl edit rs my-first-replicaset# Please. Use kubectl get to list all Deployments, Replica Sets and Pods in your default namespace:kubectl get secret mongodb -o jsonpath= "{. 3. This will open the ReplicationController’s YAML definition in your default text editor: bash. If you inspect how kubectl does it (by executing kubectl -n my-namespace describe deploy my-deployment --v=9) you will see that it dos the following: first gets deployment details with: /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/my-namespace/deployments/my-deployment. Also you can read in the documentation Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. ssh -p 2024 admin@`kubectl get svc -A| grep " ops-center-cee" | awk '{print $4}'` show alerts active. Edit the controllers configuration by using kubectl edit rs ReplicaSet_name and change the replicas count up or down as you desire. NAME. Run kubectl get rs to see the deployed replicaset kubectl get rs. 220 k8s-worker02 <none> <none> sample-pod3-zmjkj 2/2 Running 0 38s. This page contains a list of commonly used kubectl commands and flags. Toye Idowu. yaml in which a deployment, whose strategy is RollingUpdate, is defined. If you are new to the replica set you can read the replica set blog here. kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE redis-data-pvc Bound pvc-6163d1f8-fb3d-44ac-a91f-edef1452b3b9 10Gi RWO standard 132m. Certificate. kubectl scale命令通过调整正在运行的容器的数量来立即缩放应用程序。. Get replicaset. 5. We can exec into any of the nodes in the replicaset and check the status. 1 2022. cnat. Before you begin Before you begin this tutorial, you should familiarize yourself with the following Kubernetes concepts: Pods Cluster DNS Headless Services. We will now list the pods and verify. $ kubectl get replicasets View ReplicaSets on Cluster. A more complex use case is to run several identical replicas of a replicated service, such as web servers. kubectl run now creates a deployemtn+replica-set. In this blog post we are going to discuss the ReplicaSet concept in Kubernetes. 2. test. Use this procedure to deploy a new replica set that Ops Manager. $ kubectl apply -f my-nginx. It can be considered as a replacement of replication controller. 31 (a downgrade but still an update from K8s point of view), the ReplicaSet is not completely replaced. kubectl get replicaset new-replica-set -oyaml >> replica. 1. El objeto de un ReplicaSet es el de mantener un conjunto estable de réplicas de Pods ejecutándose en todo momento. Nice! With just a single line we launched a pod with two containers into the Kubernetes cluster. Administration with kubeadm. # kubectl delete rs soaktestrs replicaset "soaktestrs" deleted # kubectl get pods Again, the pods that were created are deleted when we delete the Replica Set. A ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. then you need set the replicas to zero using this command. When the traffic and load subsides, we can revert to the original configuration of two Pods. In this article, we will look into how to connect Replicaset to a Pod in. Maka dari itu, ReplicaSet seringkali digunakan untuk menjamin ketersediaan dari beberapa Pod identik dalam jumlah tertentu. As with all other Kubernetes config, a DaemonSet needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. Viewed 9k timesSave the file as rc-definition. yaml. 14: kubectl edit pvc <name> for each PVC in the StatefulSet, to increase its capacity. To check if HPA worked you have to describe it. kubectl delete -f nginx-rs. To do that, issue the command: kubectl apply -f rs. One exception is the rolling-update command. Delete a pod. Check the track of deployment and even we can use this for. If we need to update the application to a new version, we can create a new replica set with the updated configuration and scale down the old replica set. Usually, you define a Deployment and let that Deployment manage ReplicaSets automatically. 3. What is a Mongo Replica Set. A ReplicaSet is used to ensure that a specific number of replicas (copies) of a pod are running at any given time, while a Deployment manages updates to a ReplicaSet by creating a new ReplicaSet with the updated pod template and gradually scaling it up while scaling down the old ReplicaSet. This field's replicas value is set to 3 ,indicating that the desired state is to have three identical pods managed by this resource. Enter the pod using kubectl exec: kubectl exec -it mongodb-replica-0 -n default -- mongo. Now get the Pods list using the following command. . Update the ReplicaSet. edit the image name in the editor. You can observe how the autoscaler kicks in when load increases, and increments the quote server deployment replica set to a higher value. yaml. yaml kubectl apply -f d. * Does replica set take any action after deleting the pod created outside of its spec ? Why? Scalabilitykubectl describe replica set replicaset_name -n dep_namespace. 1. Daemon Set; Scaling Commands. kubectl describe replicaset {NAME. Example-1: Create replica set using match labels. 0. However if you change labels and. 26 introduced a new, alpha-level feature for StatefulSets that controls the ordinal numbering of Pod replicas. In your case, you've asked Kubernetes to forward traffic on 127. yaml. From there it gets labels for replicaset selection. kubectl scale deployment. You may test it, after deleting the ReplicaSet and then typing the command kubectl get pods into the terminal. Replica Count: You specify the desired number of replicas, in this case, three. Deployment creates ReplicaSet with the number of replicas=3. </li> </ul> <div class="snippet-clipboard-content notranslate position-relative overflow-auto" data. Pour ReplicaSets, l'attribut kind est toujours ReplicaSet. $ kubectl apply -f rs. The controller is watching the API server for new events, and it detected that there is a new ReplicaSet object. 3. you deployment now watches, that you have always have a pod count of 0 for your deployment. kubectl create -f my-replica-set. Scaling the replicaset can be done by using two methods. Create a stateful set. Run the above file using kubectl and create the backend replica set with the provided definition in the yaml file. apps "nginx" configured $ kubectl get rs NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE nginx 10 10 10 14m $ kubectl get po. The update strategy is configured using the updateStrategy field. The fields of the table are described below:I want to change the number of replications (pods) for a Deployment using the Kubernetes API (v1beta1). kubectl scale rs/web --replicas= 2. $ kubectl get rsNAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGEmy-first-replicaset 3 3 3 2m// get in the editor, modify the replica number, then save and leave$ kubectl edit rs my-first-replicaset# Please. Comme avec tous les autres objets API Kubernetes, un ReplicaSet a besoin des champs apiVersion, kind et metadata . 168. kubectl apply -f Service. And the -w argument is for watch so you have a refreshed interface that gives you infos on your hpa ressources. [root@controller ~]# kubectl edit rc myapp-rc replicationcontroller/myapp-rc edited. We will create one . After deploying the replica set or replication controller, if you need to edit the file, you can use the command kubectl edit to edit. In case, these pods go down then this replicaset can use it’s template to replace these pods. 4. Syntax: $ kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] [flags] Command: This will include the operation mentioned below you want to perform regarding the specific resource. A ReplicaSet is defined with fields, including a selector that specifies how to identify Pods it can acquire, a numberof replicas indicating. replicas}{" "}' 2 $ kubectl get rs pet2cattle-5479f4b6cb NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE pet2cattle-5479f4b6cb 2 2 2 5d5hA service is basically a load balancer over a deployment (and a deployment is a replica set of multiple pods). Install and Set Up kubectl on Windows; Installieren und konfigurieren von kubectl; Kubectl installieren und konfigurieren auf Linux; Kubectl installieren und konfigurieren auf macOS; Installation von Minikube; Einen Cluster verwalten. spec. Use this procedure to create a new replica set in a member Kubernetes cluster in a multi-Kubernetes-cluster deployment. yaml Then, to view the status of your ReplicaSet, run kubectl get rs <ReplicaSet_NAME>. The controller creates two new pod definitions because we have configured replica value as. Changes to label selectors make existing pods fall out of ReplicaSet's scope, so if you change labels and label selector the pods are no longer "controlled" by ReplicaSet. If you set your namespace above using the set-context command then the pods will be created in the specified namespace. Scale down the sts kubectl scale --replicas=0 sts <sts name>. Declarative way, edit this line in your Yaml file: replicas: 2. $ kubectl get all NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/nginx-854998f596-6jtth 1/1 Running 0 52s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/kubernetes ClusterIP 10. The issue happen because the Replica Set configuration points to the other nodes using your internal cluster IPs, so you will see. $ kubectl config set-credentials cluster-admin --username = vipin -- password = uXFGweU9l35qcif kubectl config set − Sets an individual value in kubeconfig file. In the above screenshot, you can see the details of the ponds created after creating a replica set. spec section is similar to the ReplicaSet’s, defining the pod template for each replica. The second way is to run the kubectl scale command: Copy. Display information about the ReplicaSet in the current namespace $. The differences in this manifest are: Using kind: Deployment to state the resource type. I would say that you have issue with DNS configuration (No host described in new configuration 1 for replica set rs0 maps to this node). List all services and get the nodePort which can be used locally, e. As with all other Kubernetes API objects, a ReplicaSet needs the apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. This demonstrates how StatefulSets let you consistently designate Pods as having a specific role. Use kubectl to scale StatefulSets. kubectl apply -f <name> to recreate the StatefulSet. Let’s deploy the Replica Sets from the manifest file by running a kubectl command and then afterwards we’ll run a command to list our pods. Daemon Set; Scaling Commands. After it's paused you can make necessary changes to your configuration and then resume it by using kubectl rollout resume. Great explanation. yaml --record=true. You can verify this with the command: kubectl get replicaset. Replica Sets, as the name implies, define how many replicas of each pod will be running. Verifying the replica set deployment and accessing the replica set.